Instituto MissionárioInstituto Missionário


O Fundador

Palavra do Fundador

“É impossível para um ser criado não assemelhar-se a Deus. Ele comunica sem cessar esta semelhança à suas criaturas, porque a criação é um ato contínuo, que consiste em conservar aquilo que foi criado e existe.” Le Sacré-Coer, p 182

Espiritualidade e Oração


“O que me afasta de Deus e dos meus irmãos e irmãs?” - Sementes de fé - Domingo XXVIII do TC

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On the Sunday morning, before the race, we visited the paddock and Sir Jackie Stewart was my tour guide. Although he s not an active racer anymore for 40+ years, everyone, and I really mean everyone, knows him. That s great fun, because when Sir Jackie is your tour guide for a paddock tour, he will get you inside every mobile office and all other stands in the paddock. He kept pointing out that everything is clean, no trash, no sloppiness, no coke can on cabinets. To him that s just one, but an important, alignment for Rolex and Formula 1 racing. Both work on the very highest level, are absolute professionals and show a sort of dedication that is unparalleled.